Monday, March 23, 2009

Session 3


(Bill) I remember a discussion we had over a decade ago about the true nature of lying. I still remember that conversation because I was freeing myself from a web of lies at the time. What do you remember?

No, I vaguely remember something…

(Bill) For me, what you had said, that lying reflects back on the liar primarily and that self deception occurs even in the most innocent of white lies, was quite poignant.

What it is that we avoid is often at the core of what it is we need. People are never more evasive than when we feel threatened. Lying is usually only a deception to one’s self. Most people can feel when we are lying to them, but, in extreme cases a person can lie to themselves and not even know it. This may be the law of Karma.

(Bill) Explain how what we avoid is at the core of what we need.

OK, the brain, or the consciousness, is designed to deal with uncertainties and the unknown, hence the fear or excitement. This is what I call the void of content. On a purely physical level, we deal with objects in place and in motion. The brain also handles information in the same way. The conscious act of deception always requires more energy to manage these uncertainties. This is why lies catch up to us: because they are exhausting.

(Bill) That makes sense. Trying to manage all the random possibilities that may occur in order to maintain the illusion would suck you dry. As far as being evasive when threatened, which may be very well and true, why are people so evasive all the time? Is everyone feeling threatened all the time?

No, not everyone is feeling equally threatened at all times. Nor is everyone equally evasive. One of the most significant aspects of my research was the attempt to map the styles of evasion of individuals and their differences. I believe that our styles of evasion can be as distinctive as a finger print and that there may be a higher level of order in the net result of all of our collective differences. I believe this to be especially true as to why it is you can only fool some of the people some of the time.

This is the guts of how I do things. I’m trying to neutralize the biases about lying as thought to be always intentional or unconscious, or either good or bad. Lying doesn’t just create problems; it can also be used to solve them. This is a horrible truth and most people don’t have the guts to be honest about it. Lying is never pretty but we all have to do it sometimes.

(Bill) There’s another 800 pound gorilla in the room, the necessity to conceal through omission or falsehood in order to protect ourselves and others. I know it’s a simple example but no one wants to know how I’m really doing when they ask. It’s just a courtesy not a request for honesty. Besides, sometimes I’m protecting them and myself from discomfort by not sharing the true.

That’s what makes non-violence so scary. One may best defend themselves by not behaving defensively. If somebody asks how you’re doing, and you’re dying, you’ll generally be forgiven for being honest. Am I being too morbid? That was basically how I was trained. To look at fate as fate, we have to understand the circumstances that come together to mold our subconscious. We have natural limits, and death is the most obvious and the hardest one to lie about, no matter how we try to omit, evade, obscure, or spin the eventuality of death.

(Bill) We can sculpt many of the other life events or eventualities in our favor, for example I can say that my high school experience was great. You would never know I was omitting the truth. I see puberty, relationships, middle age as some of the many eventualities we cope with. Death would be the heavy one.

Yes, there are many other factors of fate other than death. People want me to show them proof and the subject of death is one thing most people agree with me about. Our limits are very well structured and defined.

(Bill) So what is fate? Is it how we deal with what has and will happen to us, meaning we have choice, or is it as my Baptist Church sees it, as static, fixed, and predetermined? The meal has been served.

There is a difference between status and fate. Status can affect your fate. Your will can affect both your status and fate, but not necessarily. For example, it is diagnostically possible to determine what a person is going to die from, as far as genetic limitations are concerned. Also for instance, do you have any bad habits, any maladaptive behaviors? You don’t need to be a psychic to see where this is going. This is the nature of our individual fate.

Our time is up for today Phillip. I’ve got plenty more questions for you though so, see you next week.


I Phillip and I are trying to stick to an hour or so for our blog interviews. We hoped it would encourage brevity, but with the topic of fate I think we may need to visit it a few times. I may not get to it for a few blog entries but a deeper exploration into Phillip’s take on fate may be in order.

I like his comments about fate being what we create for ourselves. If we are living a risky or unhealthy lifestyle we are indeed sealing our fate, or at least are at a higher risk based on probability. That’s a fairly down to earth message though probably not a message some of us listen to. I’ve done unhealthy and risky things in my life and though I was fully aware of the danger, I did it anyway. Still I was conscious that I was taking risks and even thought to myself, ‘am I going to get hurt this time, or, will I pay the price for this later in life?’

The other idea I was keyed to discuss is self-delusion. I was asking about lying because I sense that one of my personality drivers is the need to resist self-delusion. Lying, to me, is one of the ways we delude ourselves. If a new believable, yet false, reality can be created by omission then I can become a new person, I can convince myself I’ve started over. It was like that for me as a kid. We moved a lot and I could conveniently omit my less socially acceptable behavior from my personal story. I think, we all kind of lie to ourselves when we think we are lying to others. Maybe it does help us create a new self-perception. Was I changing my fate by living this new perception? More questions, more questions…. Every time I do this I think of more questions.

Session 2

This is the second installment of my interview with a psychic. Phillip and I are adjusting our approach to this exercise constantly as we figure out what means to discuss his psychic approach in an interview via a blog. We’ll just jump right into it today.

(Bill) How do you expect people to understand what you’re talking about in your readings without a common frame of reference?

I don’t! I have to create a personal frame of reference with each individual by speaking their language. There is no one language for universal understanding.

(Bill) What do you mean by multiple languages? Does that mean humans will never be able to communicate effectively with each other?

As a reader, the challenge for me is to interpret and translate language. My training as a medium revolves around using understanding as currency. The actual fluid of human communications is understanding. My capacity for understanding and comprehending others is the central requirement of my job description. Unless I’m able understand people, I’m not able to make sense. Does that answer your question?

(Bill) I’m not sure. OK, I get that you don’t mean actual languages like French and stuff, but I still am unclear about how you are using the word. So, give me your definition of language as used here.

Que se moi? Case in point, I had to ask you if I was making sense. I get the privilege of having you ask me to clarify. I am never sure if I am making sense or not. I have to ask you if you see the same thing that I am, and if you are hearing what I am intending for you to get. When I’m reading somebody’s hands or handwriting, I generally am so engrossed in looking at that persons signs I don’t have to worry about whether I’m telling the truth, I know my craft. And as a craftsman, in sincerity to my craft, I retain my dignity.

(Bill) Why do we, the clients, feel light headed and slightly out of sync after a reading?

It’s because of the change of perspective. The focus of attention can be fluid and it is subject to change. When we have a change of perspective, there is almost always something lost and something gained. Unless the gain is worth the loss, I’m not doing my job right. It is my responsibility to let people come to me for alternative perspectives.

(Bill) Is it difficult to be in public? Do you suffer from overload?

I weep. The world is a beautiful place with little horrors all around us, some of our own design. Most of the time we feel very alone until we are able communicate. Even then life is short for all of us. Enough about me, I also worry about the impact of my awareness on others.

(Bill) Explain that last idea a little more, about concern over your impact on others. Is that in everyday life or in a reading?

Yes, both. Can I type that out for you? Could you get me something to eat?
(Bill) Good multi tasking, would you like…,

Anything, thanks. There are certain aspects of what you are asking about that are private. The public challenge is to not create upheavals in society. I’m concerned for those people who would not understand what I am doing. I would not want to be confusing others.

(Bill) You mean people like my sister. I love her dearly and I don’t really want to appear to challenge her very strong evangelical faith. It’s best that she just not know… for now I guess. Eventualities you know…

What does she think you are doing, having sex with Satan?

(Bill) Ha Ha… Well, not that far off really, but I’m already fallen, long ago.

Awww that’s too bad.

(Bill) Oh stop it. I’m just pointing out an example of what I have termed a strict mind, adhering to a doctrine of their choice. That’s beef bourguignon, do you like it?

Yes, it wonderful. If we really wanted to get highly technical at this point we could. I am not only criticized by scientists but also Christians too. Not only is science opposed to fiction, but Christianity is opposed to Satan. This is what I call a mutually inclusive double negative opinion bias directed against me or more precisely against my calling. This would indicate that, as a psychic, I am not sure if I’m able to reach these people. I feel deeply for them though. I have nothing but good things to say about them. None the less, just because the bias is against one doesn’t mean you’re wrong. Merely that the odds are against you, even if you are right.

(Bill) So would you tell the truth to my sister, knowing who she is? I guess I must be really asking is should I tell her the truth.

My experience has shown that generally it is my privilege to ask for other people’s permission before I tell them anything. Are we feeling the heart chakra open up?

(Bill) Yes, as a matter of fact. You’re just giving them fair warning aren’t you?

Oh, Very very good. Yes but also, by asking permission you’re showing respect. And that’s what we all deserve. Is there anything else I can do for you? Because I think I’ll go in a corner and cry now.


We ran out of time at this point even though I felt like I was just getting started with the questions. So I thought I would add some interviewer’s thoughts in an attempt to wrap it up, if that’s possible. One thought I had reading this section is that our wry humor does not translate well. For example, Phillip’s comment at the end about “going in a corner and cry now” was a sarcastic truth statement about his sensitivity toward others needs. Does it translate? I’m not sure. That’s something to think about, anyway…

The juicy bits that I gleaned from today’s session meander a bit, but, I see some threads. First thing that comes to mind is that Phillip tunes in to each individual, as mentioned in the previous blog, but this time he used the terms ‘speak their language’. When pressed about the word language he focused on understanding for each individual as the source of his skills as a reader… something about understanding being an essential part of the job description. All of this after he peaks my interest with, “There is no one language for universal understanding.” That statement seems darker upon reflection than it did when he first said it. At the time it was liberating though I’m struggling to explain why at the moment.

Another interesting point is how a psychic copes with the world. The real Alison Dubois makes it look easy, but I can’t imagine it really is. Phillip focused on people who are unable to be read because of what he called “mutually inclusive double negative opinion bias”. His point was about general bias against psychics but to me this means that with some people, for a certain percentage, our opinion biases are so diametrically opposed that they cancel each other out. Or more importantly, that their language is so different that understanding is not possible. It is difficult for me to negotiate an understanding with my sister, for example, even though we both try hard not to hurt each other. Our cultural languages are quite different, causing the inevitable hurt feelings and confusion.

I’m thinking of more questions for next time. This is an interesting process, though tiring.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Session 1


My Interview with a Psychic
I have had a running conversation with my friend Phillip that has lasted over twenty years. Once I was able to overlook that fact he is a self-described as a psychic, it became easy to receive the gift of a critical yet loving eye. Phillip and I recently partnered together to create Psychic Personality Inventory Services to market Phillip’s talents.

In the interest of transparency and open dialogue, we are holding a series of discussions loosely based on an interview format to be published in this blog. I will start each session with one question and see where it leads us. Our goal is to explore the psychic phenomenon in an environment that values the free market of ideas.

Phillip is a psychic with over forty years of experience. Though I would prefer not to define him to narrowly at this point, allowing the interviews to do that in time, I have witnessed his abilities and accuracy both personally and with others. As for myself, my name is Bill Taylor. I am a former art teacher and corporate trainer. In simple terms it would be polite to describe myself as a healthy skeptic regarding the paranormal. I hope to bring some of my skepticism to our discussions.

Session 1

(Bill) What does the word Psychic (capital P) mean?

Let me see if I can pull something out of my butt here… Oh that’s it, um... and what was the question now? Shit… OK Bill, know you get it, that’s how I do my craft. I didn’t even think about what I was going to say.

(Bill) But… you didn’t say anything.

But you re-asked the question though.

(Bill) Yes… I guess I did.

But, no, I really should answer your question.

(Bill) Thank you.

Being Psychic for me means that I know things to be absolutely true for myself in the moment, and as a result, I’m able to express things more eloquently even without forethought. As I say, being psychic isn’t about always being right. It’s about telling the truth. And, as a truth teller I am sometimes able to tell the future with a surprisingly high degree of accuracy. Ha Ha Ha (responding to my expression) Well,… you asked.

(Bill) OK, how can truth for you, in that moment, be universally applicable to others?

No, I would never presume to speak for somebody else. Part of the training, in my discipline, demands that I exercise extreme respect for all beings, human and otherwise. Life is too beautiful not to see.

(Bill) That is what I complain about in new age language, it’s inspirational yet vague and because of massive repetition, trite.

Oh finally, now we’re getting somewhere. I hate having to lie to people. I don’t like taking advantage of people. I wouldn’t be able to see as many people as I do if I didn’t really care. I appreciate, Bill, your ability to not lie and I appreciate your concerns. When I tell people I’m a psychic I get a lot of laughs. And I laugh right along with them. And I feel no shame.

(Bill) Does that mean you don’t take yourself seriously?

Yes, I feel conflicted. Wouldn’t you? I’m not God. I’m not even sure I even believe in an afterlife. However, I like people. I don’t even know what else to say. Am I being too oblique?

(Bill) Yes, if not then cryptic. Sorry, my sense of humor is often poorly used. OK, what does it mean to “like people”?

Oh, you want proof. You want a test.

(Bill) Not necessarily, I want language that makes sense and I can engage with and spare the bleeping unicorns please.

What’s wrong with the word magic?

(Bill) In a word…LOADED!

Your damn right loaded! Language is loaded with meaning. I swoon; I’m a drunkard of the spirit. You want to hear the truth? Go to somebody who has nothing to gain from telling you the truth. You want no unicorns. That might be a personal issue Bill. I’m never seen one myself and I have a wonderful imagination. I could go on but it would only get cornier.

(Bill) Well, I think unicorns are cute and all, but, it is obvious to the world that if they did exist they are now fiction. Why link something that I believe could be the most real of all to, well so much fiction. Skip the rainbows and love dolphins too,… please.

Bill your absolutely right. I have no business burdening you or anybody else with unnecessary garbage. I’m not interested in trying to get people’s money. I’ve had more than enough opportunity to do so and was very bad at it. My reasons for not wanting to take advantage of people are purely selfish. Should I be totally candid here?

(Bill) Yes, please.

I can’t handle the stress of lying to people and that means I’m really good at what I do. Now that doesn’t mean that I don’t have feelings, vision, and awareness’s that others don’t have cause to learn about.

(Bill) So then, you’re saying that it can be a challenge making money as a psychic if you’re not willing to blow sunshine up the client’s skirt/Dockers. Sorry, I can be cynical at times, too many times.

You shouldn't feel guilty about this. It’s the top's dilemma; you don’t want to hurt anybody.

(Bill) Yes, and I want to provide a good product, something that adds tangible value to people’s lives.

You make me proud. I trust you not to take any shit from me. If I can offer a service I’m here. Is there anything else today? Thanks again,… bye.

(Bill) What? That’s it?

I’m sorry, my sessions are very to the point and I don’t want to exhaust my audience with trivialities.

(Bill) Though I see some juicy bits here in our conversation, I can’t help but point out that you slipped out from under a few of my questions. How do you feel about my challenges?

Bill, you are absolutely right. I feel I am on the defensive. In all honestly, why would anybody want to be a psychic? It’s kind of icky, like being a guru, people want to love you. Let’s get back to the big question. What does being a psychic mean? I am lyrically enhanced. I can speak to your deepest thoughts and I love you. Does that answer your question? More to the point, at this point you are who I am reading. And I thank you for your time. Will there be anything else today.

(Bill) I sense you want this to end.

Do you want it to go on? Did I answer to your satisfaction?

(Bill) Well, you did give me some answers. Here is what I heard you say. You are in a place spiritually and culturally that frees you enough to speak the truth. Also, as a part of that, you have nothing to gain by lying. Or, at least would prefer it that way. You don’t want to hurt anyone and would prefer to help people by providing the service your gift has to offer. Finally, because you are a zenophile, and love people, you soak up, for lack of a better way of saying it, the person your reading and can reflect their self back to them. How’s that?

Perfect, perfect, perfect. You’re making me tell the truth, to mean what I say, and take action. We are calling out the elephant in the room. The question is what does it mean to be a psychic? Are psychics liars? Are they bullshit artists? Are they story tellers? What are we going to do about that? Maybe I should turn that question back to you.

(Bill) Now this has been the type of dialogue I was hoping for. I feel we have some clarity about terms and ideas. I don’t know what to do about society’s stereotypes regarding psychics. I do know one of my sisters will have issues with this blog for example. But we can’t let society’s narrow definition control our ideas. Anyway, this is a good place to leave this for now. We can continue next time. Do you have any final thoughts?

Not for now.